Update Your Tenant Git Repo
  • 10 Apr 2024
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Update Your Tenant Git Repo

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Article summary

Greymatter uses a GitOps pipeline to control the flow of configurations. During initial tenant creation, the git repository is passed in through the CLI --git-remote flag. However, this value might change depending on organization changes. If it does, you do not need to initialize a project.

  1. Open the k8s/sync.yaml file

  2. Locate the Kubernetes ConfigMap definition named greymatter-sync-config.

  3. In the data field, replace the string with the correct repository URL. For example, replace,

      GREYMATTER_GIT_REMOTE: "git@github.com:old/repo/url"

    with the new value,

      GREYMATTER_GIT_REMOTE: "git@github.com:new/repo/url"

This example assumes an SSH URL, the same process is true for cloning over HTTPS.

Once you’ve made the change, commit them for prosperity, and re-apply the sync manifests with kubectl:

kubectl apply -f k8s/sync.yaml

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