Getting Ready
  • 11 Apr 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Getting Ready

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Article summary

Let’s get started!

You will need a account to gain access to your software packages.

Once you have your account you can create an access token in our distribution repository. This will allow you to pull down Greymatter release artifacts and images.

In Browser

  1. Navigate to the Greymatter jFrog repository.

  2. Log into our MS Azure SSO with your provided account information.

  3. Click Edit Profile under the user menu.

  4. Click Generate an Identity Token.

  5. Add a description that you will remember for your identity token.

  6. Copy the token and save it to a secure place.

Tokens generated on the JFrog Platform are not stored for security reasons; therefore, make sure you copy the token before closing this window. Once closed the token will not be available.

In Terminal

  1. Download and install the jFrog CLI, where we store release images and binaries.

  2. Ensure your jFrog environment knows how to access the Greymatter.oi repository. Type this command into your terminal.

jf c add --url --user <jfrog_username> --password <jfrog_identity_token_id> --interactive=false

Ensure you replace <jfrog_username> with your username and <jfrog_identity_token_id> with the token id you created in the above section.

Other Prerequisites

  • A Kubernetes cluster which can be in any cloud or even on your desktop. We support versions 1.21+ .

  • The Kubernetes CLI for interaction with Kubernetes clusters. We support versions 1.21+ .

  • An Elasticsearch cluster for indexing audits captured by Greymatter.

  • The Git CLI for interaction with Git repositories. You may already have this on your machine. Check via git --version .

Optional Tools

  • CUE, the CUE CLI for interacting with configurations written in the CUE language. Lens, an excellent application to easily interact with multiple Kubernetes clusters.

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